Again, review the DFDs you developed for the Petrie’s Electronics case (or those given to you by your instructor). Use these DFDs to identify the attributes of each of the six entities listed in this case plus any additional entities identified in your answer to Question 1. Write an unambiguous definition for each attribute. Then, redraw PE Figure 7-1 by placing the six (and additional) entities in this case on the diagram along with their associated attributes. PROMOTION ID 1. PROMOTION_ID- PROMOTION CODE PROVIDED BY COMPANY 2. PROMOTION_AMOUNT- PROMOTION AMOUNT FOR THE CODE COUPON ID 1. AMT_POINTS- THE AMOUNT OF POINTS THE CLIENT HAS 2. COUPON_ID DISCOUNT CODE OFFERED BY THE COMPANY CUSTOMER ID 1.ONLINE_NAME- LOG IN OR USER NAME 2.CUSTOMER_NUMBER- REWARDS CARD NUMBER FOR IN STORE SHOPPERS SERVICES ID 1.SERVICE_ID- SERVICE IDENTIFIER FOR SERVICE RENDERED 2.STORE_JOB- -STORE PROVIDING SERVICES TRANSACTION ID 1. TRANSACTION ID- ID FOR TRANSACTION TYPE 2. TRANSACTION_TYPE_ TYPE OF TRANSACTION BEING PRERFORMED PRODUCT ID 1.PRODUCT_ID- PRODUCT NAME 2. PRODUCT_QUANTITY-AMOUNT OF PRODUCTS NEEDED 3.Using your answer to Question 2, designate which attribute or attributes form the identifier for each entity type. Explain why you chose each identifier. 4. Using your answer to Question 3, draw the relationships between entity types needed by the system. Remember, a relationship is needed only if the system wants data about associated entity instances. Give a meaningful name to each relationship. Specify cardinalities for each relationship and explain how you decided on each minimum and maximum cardinality at each end of each relationship. State any assumptions you made if the Petrie’s Electronics cases you have read so far and the answers to questions in these cases do not provide the evidence to justify the cardinalities you choose. Redraw your final E-R diagram in Microsoft Visio.

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